
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vanilla ice cream

Ice ceam


A- 1 vanilla pod, or 1 tsp essence of vanilla

B- 1 1/4 cup semi skimmed milk

C- 4 egg yolks

D- 5 tbsp caster sugar

E- 1 tsp cornsugar

F- 1 1/4 cup double cream


1- heat A and B in a pot until boil. then remove from heat for at least 15 min.

2- put C, D and E in a bowl. whisk until thick. add to the milk, whisking constantly. cook over gentel heat for about 10-15 min with constant stirring.

3- whip F until soft and fluffy but still not thick enough to stay onto the whisk. fold into the milk.

4- pour the mixture into a freezeproof container.

5- freeze for 3 - 6 hours. beat to soften the ice cream. feeze again.

you can change the flavor by exchanging the vanilla to choc or any other. if you're using fresh fruit; puree the fruit, add the icing sugar and lemon juice - after seiving, chill and continue with direction number 3 to 5.

ais krim


A- 1 pod vanila atau 1 sudu teh esen vanila

B- 1 1/4 cwn susu semi skim

C- 4 telur kuning

D- 5 sudu besar gula caster

E- 1 sudu teh tepung jagung

F- 1 1/4 cawan double cream


1- panaskan A dan B dalam periuk hingga mendidih. biarkan sejuk selama 15 min.

2- pukul C, D dan E hingga pekat. gaul ke dalam susu. panaskan semula selama 10 hingga 15 min dan pastikan dikacau selalu.

3- pukul F sehingga pekat dan gebu. kacau ke dalam susu yang telah dipanaskan tadi.

4- tuang ke dalam bekas tahan beku. bekukan selama 3 hingga 6 jam. kacau agar licin. bekukan semula.

1 comment:

  1. Mona Ice cream is a nice brand.. Everyone love it and your nice article. Syrup for snow cones
