What you need:
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• source of protein, such as prawns, preferably cured meat such as sausages and pepperoni.
-mushroom such as fresh button and shitake
• 1 garlic clove, crushed and chopped
• 300 g/10 oz pasta
• 4 tablespoons double cream
• 3 egg yolks
• cheese; according to your liking. Parmesan would be nice, but you can even use cheddar if you like
• salt and pepper
1- in one bowl, put in the egg yolk, cheese and cream. whisk everything nicely.
2- cook the pasta until al dente. drain well and put aside the pasta water from the boiling.
3- heat the oil in a pan and saute the garlic.
4- add in the prawns. cook until they turns red.
5- add the mushroom, cook until soften
5- turn the heat to low and add the pasta water. add the egg-cream-cheese mixture and cook slowly and stir constantly.
6- add the salt and pepper according to your taste.
7- put in chopped parsley.
8-pour the sauce on warm pasta and enjoy...
happy cooking..
ps: dont use too much cheese; it is to give flavouring..not overwhelming it. if you use sliced cheddar, use about 3-4 slice max for every 4 tabllespoon of cream.
versi bahasa malaysia
sedikit minyak zaitun
bawang putih, dicincang
sumber protein, seperti udang, lebih baik lagi daging yang disediakan untuk disimpan lama seperti sosej dan peperoni
cendawan dihiris
4 sudu besar cream
3 bj telur kuning
keju, menurut kegemaran anda. dari parmesan ke cheddar
garam dan lada hitam
sediakn dahulu barang2 sebalum mulakan memasak
rebus pasta mengikut arahan bungkusan, simpan sedikit air rebusan pasta
panaskan minyak di dalam kuali, tumis bawang hingga wangi
masukkan udang, dan masak hingga air kering
masukkan cendawan dan masak hingga lembut
campurkan telur kuning dan susu, pukul hingga sebati
perlahankan api pada kuali dan masukkan air rebusan pasta.
masukkan capuran telur ke dalam kuali dan dikacau terus
tambah garam dan lada hitam mengikut cita rasa
masukkan parsley yang dicincang
tuang kuah ke atas pasta panas.
selamat mencuba
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